Appreciation for Help To Date

We’d like to thank the individuals and organizations who’ve already stepped up to help us!  More will be said to and about you as the site progresses or as we continue to discuss what our collaborations might look like, or where they might lead to or begin.

To discuss collaborations, you can reach us at, comment with contact information here, or reach out via other social media platforms (facebook and instagram).  Our facebook page is a pretty good fail safe if an email message to us gets missed (neurological symptoms can drive patients away from laptops and pc’s for extended periods of time, whereas our social media patient support networks keep us tied in, at least via phone or other easier-to-handle devices).

We are very grateful to the photographers and artists that have granted us the privilege of using their work, and to the behind the scenes organizers who are lending us their experience and making us feel useful by involving our patients in projects.  To them and others like them, always working tirelessly and invisibly for change, we appreciate what you have done and are doing, paving the way (past, present, and future) for those of us that want to join in and help.

Thank you to those who have shared locations ALREADY and those who have ALREADY shared our requests and social sites.  Finding and reaching the right patients (geographically speaking) isn’t going to happen on it’s own.  And, more importantly, we can’t do it without your help.

Artist Brandi Lee Ethier ~ Thank you Brandi!
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Carol Will Bennett of Ryegate, Montana ~ Thank you Carol!

Opportunities Moving Forward…


There will be a number of needs from individuals and opportunities to be ‘virtually’ or ‘physically’ involved.  The first round of public requests for information began April 15, and requests will certainly continue.  Watch for a future page listing our requests to date and our existing pages regarding short and long term goals and needs (very preliminary so far).

Contact and Interest Forms are in progress and will provide at least a preliminary way to express how you would like to help and see some of the things were are looking for.  Stay tuned for related announcements, requests, pages and forms over time.  All inquiries are welcome and appreciate, in or out of region, and we are working to make contacts and inquiries easier as we go.

*Help will continue to be needed spreading the word about requests and our sites, so please stay tuned!

Groups & Organizations

Connecting with, working with, or even just bringing attention to existing groups is a major goal here. While regional connections are very important, we are being founded with considerable input and logistical assistance from groups beyond our region as well and will continue to need their support as we make our region more and more visible over time.

Preliminary outreach has begun with exciting results already in progress, so please stay tuned in coming days.


Similarly, businesses in our region and beyond, especially those in outdoor and related industries, will be important partners in terms of education, awareness, partnerships and support.  Education is a valuable gift they can share with their clients, employees, and customers.  For this reason, we intend to list, display, and/or highlight businesses interested in assisting.

Additional Support/Partnerships/Collaboration Opportunities/Ideas?

  • Blogs
  • Social Media Pages/Platforms
  • On-going Campaigns

Please contact us if you would like to collaborate or to be listed as an affiliate.  A starter page and easier contact options will be coming soon.

In the mean time, this form should allow your contact information to reach us fairly quickly.

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